Click here for Residency and School Attendance Eligibility Requirements. CLL reserves the right to ask any registrant for proof of residency at any time during the season. Proof of residency is required for all players who make All-Star teams competing at the Little League Tournament.
School Attendance Eligibility
If you live outside of the Coventry Little League boundary AND if you attend school within the boundaries, then enter the school's address for your player. This is the address we send to Little League International and is required for verification of address. In addition, please submit a Little League issued school attendance form to a Player Agent. If you've previously provided this information to us, we have it on file and no further action is required unless your player changes schools, then a new form is required.
Playing in CLL and not meeting residency requirements
- Players may qualify for pre-approved waivers:
- Regulation II (d): If a player participated in CLL in the previous season, they are still eligible to participate in that same League, in the next season, even if their address or school changes to outside of the League boundaries. This also applies if the league's boundaries change such that the player's home address or school now is located outside of said league's boundaries. This rule also applies to siblings of players who are eligible under the rule above.
- Regulation IV (h): If a person had previously resided within the league boundaries for two years while serving that league as a dedicated manager, coach or member of the Local League Board of Directors for two years, his or her sons and/or daughters are eligible to try out and be selected by teams in that league (1) provided such service to the league from which the person has moved has continued, (2) subject to written agreement from the league within whose boundaries they currently reside and (3) supported by a recommendation of the District Administrator, to Regional Director to the Charter Committee.
IF YOU MEET EITHER OF THESE 2 REQUIREMENTS, please contact any board member, for immediate action.
If you fail to meet any of the above requirements, you may still put in a waiver request to play with Coventry Little League. Please write a letter to the Coventry Little League Board of Directors stating your desire to play in Coventry LL and why, sign it, and send to PO Box 102, Coventry RI 02816.
All waiver requests must be submitted by February 1st for players wishing to play Majors or AAA (9-12 year olds) and March 1st for all others. You will not be placed on a team until the District Administrator or Little League International approves the request. Majors and AAA players will not be drafted and will remain on the waitlist until a spot opens up, which still does not guarantee placement. Requests are only good for one season and all previous requests do not carry over to this season. There are no grandfathered players regardless of where you played in previous seasons.
Players and their parents/guardians are advised that a false statement of residence or school attendance may lead to ineligibility to play Little League Baseball. No one in CLL has any authority to grant a waiver that allows a child to play in a local Little League program IN ANY DIVISION, when that child does not qualify under these residency requirements.